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Ladies Day of Renewal 2009 Conference Blog
"Passing The Torch"
Saturday, September 12, 2009
8:00 am - 3:30 pm

With anticipation and great excitement, we invite you to join us for our Ladies Day of Renewal where God awaits to show Himself strong on our behalf. It is our time to use the mantle of authority and accept the mandate to enforce divine strategy of Passing the Torch to the next generation. Current values of society oppose the very truths we stand upon to further the Work of God. There is a company of women that are willing to hear His voice and obey His Words. Let us come together as a great host and be ready for greater ministry.

Open to girls, teens, and women of all ages who wish to have a day of Spiritual Renewal with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

We do hope to see you there!
(more info listed in the sidebar)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Our Honored Key Note Speaker

Sister Patty Cooper is 55 years old and has been saved ever since she was 11 years old. She traveled several years singing with her family, "The Lipps Family".

In 1985 she and her husband helped Brother and Sister Fouts (Tim Fouts' parents) pioneer a new church in Shelbyville, Indiana. Since that time Sis. Patty has been the piano player and choir director. She has also been actively involved in the Ladies Ministry since 1992. Sister Patty presently teaches a Ladies Bible Study in her church.

Sis. Patty’s testimony of healing miracles: In 2002 & 2003 while battling deadly, agressive breast cancer, she promised God that if he would heal her she would go anywhere the door opened. God has also instantly healed her of a deep clinical depression. Because God kept His part she has a deep fervent desire to please the Lord so has never turned anyone down. (Her doctor has gone on record to say that she truly did have a miracle.)

Now as a result she diligently seeks the Lord to teach truths of the Word of God and challenges women she comes in contact with to become all they are designed and destined to be. She will come Bearing The Torch ready to pass on her knowledge of the life and power of Christ for this generation .