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Ladies Day of Renewal 2009 Conference Blog
"Passing The Torch"
Saturday, September 12, 2009
8:00 am - 3:30 pm

With anticipation and great excitement, we invite you to join us for our Ladies Day of Renewal where God awaits to show Himself strong on our behalf. It is our time to use the mantle of authority and accept the mandate to enforce divine strategy of Passing the Torch to the next generation. Current values of society oppose the very truths we stand upon to further the Work of God. There is a company of women that are willing to hear His voice and obey His Words. Let us come together as a great host and be ready for greater ministry.

Open to girls, teens, and women of all ages who wish to have a day of Spiritual Renewal with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

We do hope to see you there!
(more info listed in the sidebar)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Early Morning Workshop

“Stay Well to Carry the Torch Health Clinic”

Early Morning Session 8:15-9 am-

By Mary Wilbert of NLC
Tammy Belt of Granite City, IL.

Both have been in the medical field for years. The clinic will include checks for blood pressure and glucose levels and a short demonstration on the importance of CPR.